Thursday, April 23, 2009


Advocacy Needed for Early Care and Education

The House Substitute Budget bill released yesterday slashed funding for Early Childhood Education by $23 million and did not restore funding for Early Childhood Mental Health Treatment and Consultation. We need to give our legislators the message that we cannot cut from one area of early childhood to fund another early childhood priority. We need new dollars to fund all of these priorities. Calls are needed today to the leadership in the House to urge them to restore the funding for Early Childhood Education and restore the funding for Early Childhood Mental Health Treatment and Consultation.

House Leadership to Call TODAY:

Speaker of the House Armond Budish: (614) 466-5441
Majority Floor Leader Jennifer Garrison: (614) 644-8728
House Finance Chair Vernon Sykes: (614) 466-3100

You can also send a letter to your Representative and House Leadership through the groundWork website here:

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