Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Report Finds "Economic Stimulus Good, But More Needed"

The Center for Community Solutions released a new report that evaluates the federal economic stimulus package signed by President Bush last week and examines its impact on Ohio. The report concludes that while the package’s tax rebates are reasonable, additional stimulus may be necessary. According to the authors, “Because of economic downturn, Ohio is facing budget shortfalls that the recently enacted federal stimulus package does nothing to address.” It cites several other stimulus options that would have a greater effect on Ohio including federal aid to states in the form of block grants, an increase in federal Medicaid match, expansion of LIHEAP, emergency food assistance, unemployment insurance, and the Highway Trust Fund.

To view the full report, visit http://www.communitysolutions.com/images/upload/resources/EconomicStimulusMoreNeeded021508_2.pdf

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