Thursday, January 25, 2007


NCSL Releases List of Top 10 Issues for States

The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) has released its list of top state legislative issues for the 2007 sessions. All 50 states will hold legislative sessions this year, most of them beginning this month. I thought it was interesting how many of these are already moving in Ohio.

1. Immigration. While the U.S. Congress has been unable to pass substantive immigration reform legislation, 32 states approved 84 new laws in 2006, and NCSL expects states to continue to legislate in this area.

2. Homeland Security and Real ID. Complying with national standards for state-issued identification cards is expected to consume both time and money for states, since Washington has provided no regulations and few financial resources.

3. Budget Issues. Many states expect their good fortune to run out this year, aided by spending demands and cost shifts from Washington.

4. Health Coverage. Following the lead of Massachusetts, Vermont and California, more states are expected to look at expanding health care coverage for state residents.

5. Sex Offenders. States will be ensuring that their laws comply with new federal legislation that passed last year.

6. Energy and Environment. This is another area where states are stepping in where the federal government fears to tread. Emission controls and other efforts to reduce global warming are receiving attention in states.

7. Minimum Wage. More than half the states already have a minimum wage that exceeds the federal rate, which itself may rise this year. NCSL expects this to be an issue that continues to get attention at the state level.

8. Higher Education Reform. Continuing price increases and affordability are just two of the issues that are driving the need for reform of the higher education system.

9. Privacy. States will turn their attention to identity theft, which is emerging as a major public policy concern across the country. Thirty-four already have passed some type of legislation.

10. Obesity. Following on the heels of New York City’s recent ban, NCSL expects states to wade into the trans fat debate, as well as other issues related to obesity (especially among children).

Nowhere on the list; housing/foreclosures/predatory lending?
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