Friday, May 12, 2006
TELling Stories
Today’s Plain Dealer article “GOP Tries for Plan to Cap Spending” and editorial “Taking on TEL” illustrate just how deep opposition to the proposed Tax and Expenditure Limitation (TEL) has become. Last week the boards of two major universities (OSU and Bowling Green), and Lt. Governor and Director of Development Bruce Johnson expressed their opposition to the TEL. This week key legislative leaders and staff began exploring alternatives for removing the proposal from the fall ballot. Formal opposition from the business community appears eminent. Finally, the Education Tax Policy Institute also added to the research on TEL with a biting, and insightful analysis. It’s worthy to note that most fiscal and economic analysts (and ETPI are among the best) that examine the proposal are overwhelmed by just how poorly the proposal is written, and the numerous and wide-ranging destruction it would cause to government operations, and Ohio’s economy. Hopefully, the momentum to remove the TEL from the ballot can be sustained and is successful.